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A 12-month full-spectrum business coaching experience for emerging visionary entrepreneurs. 

Learn the biz foundations that set you up for long-term sustainable growth, cultivate the beliefs and energetics that magnetizes clients, tap into your creative genius to create innovative offers people want to buy, and learn somatic practices that keep you grounded, regulated, and feeling like a bad a$$ biz boss!

What you get:

An entire repository of online resources covering the Integrative Business Model CUSTOM-TAILORED to where you currently are in business 

LIVE group coaching calls with Drea every other week 

Monthly LIVE group somatic sessions with Drea 

Access to guest speakers on powerful topics like: cycle syncing, nervous system expansion, financial literacy, sleep & nutrition for entrepreneurs, and more! 

A community of soulful CEOs for support and collaboration 

 Lifetime access to all resources and recordings


  • Total payment
  • 1xDomain$0

All prices in USD
